This list is a current overview of the identification literature I own.
Own contributions, mostly photograph(s), are marked with Own contribution(s)


on my bookshelf

  1. Adema J.P.H.M., (1991). De krabben van Nederland en België (Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachyura). Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum. 244 pp. ISBN 9789073239029
  2. d' Aguilar, J. & J.-L. Dommanget, (1985). Guide des libellules d'Europe et d'Afrique du Nord. Delachaux et Niestlé. 341 pp. ISBN 9782603005668
  3. Alderton D. & S. Bruin, (1994). Honden. Bosch & Keuning. 304 pp. ISBN 9789024649273
  4. Angel H., (1977). Seashore Life on Rocky Shores. Jarrold Publishing. 33 pp. ISBN 9780853065883
  5. Angel H., (1976). Sea Shells of the Seashore. Jarrold Publishing. 32 pp. ISBN 9780853066460
  6. annon., (2000). Fleurs tropicales. Collection AS DE CŒUR. 47pp. ISBN 9782908778298
  7. Ball, I.R. & T.B. Reynoldson, (1981). British planarians : platyhelminthes: tricladida : keys and notes for the identification of the species, Synopses of the British fauna Number 19, Linnean Society of London, 141 pp. ISBN 9780521282727
  8. Benard S., Dalleau-Coudert S., Winckler M. & R. Benard, (2017). Île Maurice, Faune et Flore, AUSTRAL Éditions, 256 pp., ISBN 9791091894197
  9. Benson, C.W. & F.M. Benson, (1975). Birds of Malawi. Montfort Press. 263 pp.
  10. Bergbauer, M. et al. (2001). Gids flora en fauna van de Middellandse Zee. Tirion Natuur. 320 pp. ISBN 9789052104232
  11. Bergbauer, M. (2014). Reef Fishes of the Indo-Pacific. John Beaufoy Publishing Ltd. 352 pp. ISBN 9781909612310
  12. Blamey, M. & C. Grey-Wilson (2004).Wild Flowers of the Mediterranean: A Complete Guide to the Islands and Coastal Regions. A & C Black Publishers Ltd. 560 pp. ISBN 9780713670158
  13. Bolnick D., (1995). A guide to the common wild flowers of Zambia and neighbouring regions. Macmillan Zambia. 74 pp. ISBN 9789982180634
  14. Branch, B. & W. P. Koella, (1988). A Field Guide to the Snakes and Other Reptiles of Southern Africa. C. Struik. 328 pp. ISBN 9780869776414
  15. Bremness L., (1994). Herbs. Dorling Kindersley. 304 pp. ISBN 9781564584960
  16. Brotzu, R., (1998). Fiori spontanei della Sardegna. Maestrale. 219 pp. ISBN 9788886109185
  17. Brown, P.M. & S. Folsom, (2005). Wild orchids of Florida: with references to the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plains. University Press of Florida. 409 pp. ISBN 9780813029337
  18. Campbell, A.C. (1976). The Hamlyn Guide to the seashore and shallow seas of Britain and Europe. Hamlyn: Feltham, Middlesex, UK. 320 pp. ISBN 0600343960.
  19. Castell, C. P. et al. (1975) British Caenozoic Fossils 5th edition, British Museum (Natural History), London. 132 pp. ISBN 9780565055400
  20. Castell, C. P. et al. (1975) British Mesozoic Fossils 5th edition, British Museum (Natural History), London. 207 pp. ISBN 9780565057039
  21. Chacón, I. & J.J. Montero Ramírez Montero. (2007). Mariposas de Costa Rica. Editorial INBio. 366 pp. ISBN 9789968927239
  22. Compagno L.J.V., D.A. Ebert & M.J. Smale, (1989). Guide to the Sharks and Rays of Southern Africa. Struik. 160 pp. ISBN 9780869778807
  23. Cornic, A., (1987). Poissons de l'Ile Maurice. Editions de l'Océan Indien, Stanley, Rose-Hill, Ile Maurice. 335 pp.
  24. Costa, F. & L. Genovese (2011). I Pesci Batiali dello Stretto di Messina e Zone Viciniori, CNR-Istituto per l'Ambiente Marino Costiero, 112 pp.
  25. Daan, R., (2013). Schelpdieren van het Nederlandse Noordzeegebied. Uitgeverij de Fontein Tirion. 416 pp. ISBN 9789052108216
  26. Dam, N. & T. Kuyper, (2016). Veldgids Paddenstoelen II. Koninklijke Ned. Natuurhistorische Vereniging, Stichting Uitgeverij. 354 pp. ISBN 9789050115919
  27. Darren, W., Verburgt, L. & Davies, J., (2021). Field Guide to Snakes and Other Reptiles of Zambia and Malawi. Struik Nature. 352 pp. ISBN 9781775847373
  28. De Blauwe, H., (2009). Mosdiertjes van de Zuidelijke bocht van de Noordzee. Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee, Oostende. 464 pp. ISBN 9789081290036
  29. De Blauwe, H., (2017). Strandvondsten - een praktische veldgids. Stichting Kunstboek. 336 pp. ISBN 9789058565709 Own contribution(s)
  30. De Clerck, O., Bolton, J., Anderson, R., & Coppejans, E., (2005), Guide to the seaweeds of Kwazulu-Natal. National Botanic Garden. 294 pp. ISBN 9789072619648.
  31. Degraer S., Wittoeck J., Appeltans W., Cooreman K., Deprez T., Hillewaert H., Hostens K., Mees J., Vanden Berghe en Vincx M., (2006), The Macrobenthos Atlas of the Belgian Part of the North Sea. Belgian Science Policy. D/2005/1191/3. 164 pp. ISBN 90-810081-6-1. Own contribution(s)
  32. Delforge, P., (2006). Orchids of Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. A & C Black - London. 640 pp. ISBN 9780713675252
  33. Dijkstra, K.D.B., (2008). Libellen van Europa. Tirion Uitgevers B.V. - Baarn. 320 pp. ISBN 9789052107004
  34. Dijkstra, K.D.B. & V. Clausnitzer, (2014). The dragonflies and damselflies of eastern Africa: handbook for all Odonata from Sudan to Zimbabwe. Royal Museum for Central Africa - Tervuren. 264 pp. ISBN 9789491615061
  35. Driva, J., C. & M. Jay, (1988). Coquillages de la Reunion et de l'Ile Maurice. Editions Orphie 159 pp. ISBN 9789971401429
  36. Durville P., Mulochau T., Diringer A., (2011). Poissons profonds de l'océan Indien. 203 pp. ISBN 9782877636346
  37. Emig, C., (1979). British and other Phoronids : keys and notes for the identification of the species, Synopses of the British fauna Number 13, Linnean Society of London, 57 pp. ISBN 9780122387500
  38. Esquivel, C., (2006). Libélulas de Mesoamérica y el Caribe - Dragonflies and damselflies of Middle America and the Caribbean. Editorial INBio, 320 p. ISBN 9968927139
  39. Fielding J. & N. Turland, (2005). Flowers of Crete, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, 650 pp. ISBN 9781842460795
  40. Fowler, O., (2016). Seashells of the Kenya Coast. ConchBooks. 170 pp. ISBN 9783939767718
  41. Gamisans, J., (2014). Flore des maquis et des végétations associées de Corse : Etages thermoméditerranéen et mésoméditerranéen, jusqu'à 900 m d'altitude. Albiana. 300 pp. ISBN 9782824101651
  42. Garbutt, N., (2007). Guide to the Mammals of Madagascar. A & C Black. 304 pp. ISBN 9780713670431
  43. Gargiullo, M.B., Kimball, L. & B. Magnuson, (2008). A Field Guide to Plants of Costa Rica. Oxford University Press. 544 pp. ISBN 9780195188257
  44. Garrigues R., (2007). Field Guide to the Birds of Costa Rica. Christopher Helm. 387 pp. ISBN 9780713683691
  45. Génsbøl B., (1995). Roofvogels van Europa, Noord-Afrika en het Midden-Oosten, Schuyt & Co, 408 pp. ISBN 9789060974315
  46. Gibson R., (1994). Nemerteans: keys and notes for identification of the species, Synopses of the British fauna Number 24, Linnean Society of London, 224 pp. ISBN 9781851532537
  47. Gosliner, T.M., Behrens, D.W., Williams, G.C., (1996). Coral reef animals of the Indo-Pacific: Animal life from Africa to Hawaii exclusive of the vertebrates. Sea Challengers: Monterey. 314 pp. ISBN 0930118219.
  48. Gotshall, D.W., (1998). Sea of Cortez Marine Animals: A Guide to Common Fishes and Invertebrates, Baja California to Panama, Sea Challengers, 110 pp. ISBN 9780930118266
  49. Gotto, R.V., (1993). Commensal and parasitic copepods associated with marine invertebrates (and whales): keys and notes for the identification of the species, Synopses of the British fauna Number 56, Linnean Society of London, 264 pp. ISBN 9789073348158
  50. Grey-Wilson, C. & M. Blamey, (1996). Guide des fleurs de montagne Alpes, Pyrénées, Vosges, Jura, Massif central. Published by Delachaux et Niestlé. 384pp. ISBN 9782603013694
  51. Griffiths C.L., (1976). Guide to the benthic marine Amphipods of Southern Africa. Trustees of the South African Museum, Cape Town, 106 pp. ISBN 9780949940858
  52. Griffiths, C. ,Picker M. & A. Weaving, (2005). Field Guide To Insects Of Southern Africa. Struik Publishers. 440 pp. ISBN 9781770070615
  53. Groustra G., (1978). Beschermde planten in Friesland, Biskerme planten yn Fryslân. Provincie Friesland, bureau Voorlichting. 60 pp.
  54. Harde, K.W., F. Severa & J Huisenga, (1983). Thieme's kevergids: met meer dan 1000 kleurenillustraties van de Middeneuropese kevers. Thieme. 317 pp. ISBN 9789003975850
  55. Harmelin-Vivien M., J. Driva, C. Petron & M. Jay, (1981). Guide sous-marin de la Réunion et de l'île Maurice. 140 pp. ISBN 9789971401153
  56. Heesen H., Ellis, J. & N. Daan, (2015). Fish Atlas of the Celtic Sea, North Sea and Baltic Sea. Uitgeverij Knnv, 550 pp. ISBN 9789050115377 Own contribution(s)
  57. Hensen, R., (1985). De plooivleugelwespen. - Jeugdbondsuitgeverij, 60 pp.
  58. Hollom, P. A. D. & I. Willis, (1988). Birds of the Middle East and North Africa: A Companion Guide. Poyser. 280 pp. ISBN 9780856610479
  59. Homoya, A., (1993). Orchids of Indiana. Indiana University Press. 308 pp. ISBN 9780253328649
  60. Ingle, R.W., (1996). Shallow-water crabs: keys and notes for the identification of the species, Synopses of the British fauna Number 25, Linnean Society of London, 271 pp. ISBN 9781851532582
  61. Ingle, R.W. & M.E. Christiansen, (2004). Lobsters, mud shrimps and anomuran crabs: keys and notes for the identification of the species, Synopses of the British fauna Number 55, Linnean Society of London, 271 pp. ISBN 9781851532681
  62. Jansen, Bert. (2015). Veldgids Slakken en mossels. Uitgeverij Knnv. 272 pp. ISBN 9789050115155
  63. Jensen, J.V. & J. Kirkeby. (1986). The Birds of The Gambia: An Annotated Checklist and Guide to Localities in the Gambia. Aros Nature Guides. 284 pp. ISBN 9788798102403
  64. Johnson, S., (2015). Field Guide Orchids of South Africa . Struik Publishers (Pty) Ltd. 528 pp. ISBN 9781775841395
  65. Jones, D., (1983). Spiders of Britain and northern Europe. The Hamlyn Publishing Group. 320 pp. ISBN 9780600356653
  66. Jones, N.S., (1976). British cumaceans. , Synopses of the British fauna Number 7, Linnean Society of London, 66 pp. ISBN 9780123893505
  67. Kabata, Z., 2003). Copepods parasitic on fishes: keys and notes for the identification of British species, Synopses of the British fauna Number 47, Linnean Society of London, 274 pp. ISBN 9781851532650
  68. Kerney, M.P. & R.A.D. Cameron, (1980). Elseviers slakkengids : met meer dan 1000 afbeeldingen waarvan 400 in kleur. Elsevier. 310 pp. ISBN 901002914X
  69. Kerstitch, A., (1989). Sea of Cortez marine invertebrates. A guide for the Pacific coast, Mexico to Ecuador : i-v, 114 pp. ISBN 9780930118143
  70. Lambinon, J., De Langhe, J.-E., Delvosalle, L. & Duvigneaud, J., (1998). Flora van België, het Groothertogdom Luxemburg, Noord-Frankrijk en de aangrenzende gebieden (pteridofyten en spermatofyten). 3rd Edition. Nationale Plantentuin van België: Meise, Belgium. CXXIII, 1091 pp. ISBN 9789072619235
  71. Leewis, R.; Heerebout, G.R.; Jacobusse, C. (Ed.), (1989). Sea of Cortez marine invertebrates. A guide for the Pacific coast, Mexico to Ecuador : i-v, 114 pp. ISBN 9780930118143
  72. Lambinon, J.,, (2010). Zeefauna in Zeeland: 2. Kreeften, krabben en garnalen. Fauna Zeelandica. Stichting Het Zeeuwse Landschap: Wilhelminadorp. 144 pp. ISBN 9789490562028.
  73. Lieske, E. & R. Myers. (1994). Coral Reef Fishes: Caribbean, Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean Including the Red Sea. HarperCollins. 400 pp. ISBN 9780002199742
  74. Lieske, E. & R. Myers. (2004). Coral Reef Guide: Red Sea to Gulf of Aden, South Oman. HarperCollins. 384 pp. ISBN 9780007159864
  75. Lindner, G., (1977). Elseviers gids van de zeeschelpen. Amsterdam/Brussel, Elsevier, 256 pp. ISBN 9789010017406
  76. Lippert, W. & D. Podlech, (1992). Gids Middellandse zeeflora: planten van de mediterrane kust. Thieme. 253 pp. ISBN 9789052100968
  77. Louisy, P., (2015). Europe and Mediterranean marine fish identification guide. Ulmer. 512 pp. ISBN 9782841388110
  78. Lötschert W., Beese, B., Cheizoo, K. & et al., (1982). Elseviers gids van tropische planten : 323 sier- en gebruiksplanten. Elsevier. 256 pp. ISBN 9789010042330
  79. Mackworth-Praed, C. W. & C. H. Baxter Grant, (1970). Birds of West Central and Western Africa. Longman. 671 pp. ISBN 9780582031135
  80. Malhotra, A. & R.S. Thorpe, (1999). Reptiles & Amphibians of the Eastern Caribbean. Caribbean. 134 pp. ISBN 9780333691410
  81. Manuel, R.L., (1988). British anthozoa (Coelenterata: Octocorallia & Hexacorallia). , Synopses of the British fauna Number 18, Linnean Society of London, 274 pp. ISBN 9789004085961
  82. Gosliner, T.M., Behrens, D.W., Williams, G.C. (1996). Coral reef animals of the Indo-Pacific: Animal life from Africa to Hawaii exclusive of the vertebrates. Sea Challengers: Monterey. 314 pp. ISBN 0930118219.
  83. li>Matz, G., D. Weber & H. Wermuth, (1983). Amphibien und Reptilien: Die 169 Arten Europas farbig Abgebildet. BLV-Verlagsgesellschaft. 234 pp. ISBN 9783405121143
  84. Meinkoth, N.A., (1981). The Audubon Society field guide to North American seashore creatures, A.A. Knopf, 1981. 799 pp. ISBN 9780394519937
  85. Michel, C., (1986). Birds of Mauritius. Editions de l'océan Indien. 56 pp.
  86. Michel, C., (1992). Birds of Mauritius. Editions de l'océan Indien. 46 pp. ISBN 9789990301403
  87. Michel, C., (1988). Marine molluscs of Mauritius. Editions de l'Océan Indien. Stanley, Rose Hill. Mauritius
  88. Midrouillet, G., (2004). Coquillages des Caraïbes - As de coeur collection. Grand sud. 48 pp. ISBN 9782908778458
  89. Migdoll I., (1987). Ivor Migdoll's Field Guide to the Butterflies of Southern Africa. Struik. 256 pp. ISBN 9780869775561
  90. Milne, L.J. & M.J. Greene, (1980). The Audubon Society field guide to North American insects and spiders. Knopf : distributed by Random House, 989 pp. ISBN 9780394507637
  91. Morales, J.F. (2009). Orquídeas de Costa Rica - Orchids of Costa Rica, Vol. 1. Editorial INBio, 184 p. ISBN 9789968927369
  92. Morales, J.F. (2009). Orquídeas de Costa Rica - Orchids of Costa Rica, Vol. 2. Editorial INBio, 184 p. ISBN 9789968927376
  93. Morris, B. (1970). The Epiphytic Orchids of Malawi. The Society of Malawi. xv, 136 pp., 4 leaves of plates.
  94. Neergaard, S., (1981). Tanganjika cichliden. Strengholt. 196 pp. ISBN 9789060104583
  95. Neergaard, S., (1981). Malawi-cichliden: de Mbuna-groep. Strengholt. 128 pp. ISBN 9789060104590
  96. Nöllert, A., C. Nöllert & A. Groenveld, (2001). Amfibieëngids van Europa. Tirion. 382 pp. ISBN 9789052104195
  97. Nowak, R.M. & J.L. Paradiso, (1983). Walker's Mammals of the World. Fourth (4th) Edition. Volumes I (1) and II (2). Johns Hopkins University Press. 1362 pp. ISBN 9780801825255
  98. Oliver, A.P.H., (1975). The Hamlyn Guide to Shells of the World. Hamlyn. 320 pp. ISBN 9780600343974
  99. Patterson, R. & A. Bannister, (1987). Reptiles of Southern Africa. Struik. 128 pp. ISBN 9780869773529
  100. Penny, M., (1974). The Birds of Seychelles and the Outlying Islands. Collins. 160 pp. ISBN 9780002196185
  101. Pfleger, V. & J.E. Chatfield, (1988). Guide to Snails of Britain and Northern Europe. Hamlyn. 208 pp. ISBN 9780600557890
  102. Poggiani, L., (2009). Pesci dell'Adriatico. Quadermi dell'Ambiente vol. n.23/2009. 287 pp. Own contribution(s)
  103. Press, B., (1992). De bomengids van Europa. Weert. 248 pp. ISBN 9789051122275
  104. Presser, H., (1995): Die Orchideen Mitteleuropas und der Alpen - Variabilität. Biotope. Gefährdung. Ecomed. 222 pp. ISBN 9783609656007
  105. Polunin, O., & A. Huxley, (1978). Flores del Mediterráneo. H. Blume. 272 pp. ISBN 9788472141407
  106. Richards, D., (1987). Shells of Southern Africa A Concise Guide for Collectors. Struik. 99 pp. - 60 plates. ISBN 0869774301
  107. Roberts A., G. L. Maclean, K. B. Newman, G. Lockwood & John Voelcker Bird Book Fund, (1985). Roberts' Birds of Southern Africa. Edition: 5. Trustees of the John Voelcker Bird Book Fund. 848 pp. ISBN 9780620076814
  108. Rusmore-Villaume, M.L., (2008). Seashells of the Egyptian Red Sea - The Illustrated Handbook. American University in Cairo Press. 320 pp. - 900 color illus. ISBN 9789774160967
  109. Sandhall, Å. & H. Andersson, (1980). Vliegen en muggen. Natuurgids met 158 kleurenfoto’s. Elmar b.v., 94 pp.
  110. Sandhall, Å. & K. Ander, (1978). Sprinkhanen, krekels en andere rechtvleugeligen. Elmar b.v., 94 pp.
  111. Savage, J.M., (2005). The Amphibians and Reptiles of Costa Rica: A Herpetofauna between Two Continents, between Two Seas. University of Chicago Press. 934 pp. ISBN 9780226735382
  112. Sayers B. & Sex S., (2013). Ireland's Wild Orchids, A Field Guide. privately published. 128 pp. ISBN 9781848891692
  113. Schauer,Th. & C.Caspari, (1979). Elseviers nieuwe plantengids. Beschrijving van meer dan 1400 plantensoorten die in Nederland, België en aangrenzende landen voorkomen. Amst. & Brussel,. 418 pp. ISBN 9789010024381
  114. Serle, W., Morel, G.J. & W. Hartwig, (1983). A Field Guide to the Birds of West Africa. Collins. 351 pp. ISBN 9780002192040
  115. Sibley, D., (2003), The Sibley field guide to birds of eastern North America. Alfred A. Knopf. 431 pp. ISBN 9780679451204
  116. Sinclair, I., (1987). Ian Sinclair's Field Guide to the Birds of Southern Africa. Struik. 368 pp. ISBN 9780869774342
  117. Smaldon, G. (1979). British coastal shrimps and prawns: keys and notes for the identification of the species. Synopses of the British fauna (new series), 15. Academic Press: London, UK. 126 pp. ISBN 0126492506.
  118. Smith, M.M. and P.C. Heemstra (eds.), (1986). Smiths' sea fishes. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. 1047 pp. ISBN 978-1868120321
  119. Smithers, R.H.N. & C. Abbott, (1986). Land mammals of southern Africa : a field guide, Braamfontein, Johannesburg, Macmillan South Africa.
  120. Southward, A.J., (2008). Echinoderms: keys and notes for the identification of British species, Synopses of the British fauna Number 56, Linnean Society of London, 356 pp. ISBN 9781851532698
  121. Spaans, A.L., Ottema, O.H., Hein J. & J.M. Ribot, (2015). Field Guide to the Birds of Suriname, Fauna of Suriname Volume 3, Brill, 634 pp. ISBN 9789004249295
  122. Southward, E.C. & A.C. Campbell, (2006). Barnacles : keys and notes for the identification of British species, Synopses of the British fauna Number 57, Linnean Society of London, 356 pp. ISBN 9781851532704
  123. Stewart, J., (1982). Wild Orchids of Southern Africa. Macmillan South Africa. 307 pp. ISBN 9780869540701
  124. Thompson, T.E., (1989). Molluscs: Benthic Opisthobranchs (Mollusca : Gastropoda, Synopses of the British fauna Number 8, Linnean Society of London, 356 pp. ISBN 9789004084391
  125. Tucker Abbott R., (1976) Seashells. Published by Bantam Press. 159 pp. ISBN 9780553123180
  126. Ugalde, J.A., Ugalde Gómez, J.A., Herrera, A., & O.V. Sistachs, (2002) Avispas, abejas y hormigas: Una introducción a las familias de los Himenópteros [de] Costa Rica. Editorial INBio. 174pp. ISBN 9789968702690
  127. van der Loos, L., Karremans, M. & Perk F., (2021) Veldgids Zeewieren. Uitgeverij Knnv. 288 pp. ISBN 9789050118019
  128. van Moorsel, G., (2009) Veldgids De Nederlandse zeevissen. Sportvisserij Nederland. 212 pp. ISBN 9789081029544 Own contribution(s)
  129. Veenvliet, P., Veenvliet,J.K. & F. Janžekovič, (2006) Ribe slovenskih celinskih voda: priročnik za določanje. Zavod Symbiosis. 168 pp. ISBN 9789619110928 Own contribution(s)
  130. Wainwright M., (2007) The Mammals of Costa Rica. Cornell University Press. 454 pp. ISBN 9780801473753
  131. Wiese W. & K. Janke, (2021) Die Meeresschnecken und -muscheln Deutschlands - Finden - Erkennen - Bestimmen Quelle & Meyer. 608 pp. ISBN 9783494018164 Own contribution(s)
  132. White E.I. et al. (1975) British Palaeozoic Fossils 4th edition, British Museum (Natural History), London. 203 pp. ISBN 9780565056247
  133. Williams, J.G., A. Williams & N. Arlott, (1979) Elseviers orchideeëngids  : alle orchideeën van Europa, het Middellandse-Zeegebied, Klein-Azië en Noord-Afrika. Elsevier. 175 pp.
  134. Williams, J.G., Arlott, N. & R. Peterson. (1986). A Field Guide to the Birds of East Africa. Collins. 415 pp. ISBN 9780002191791
  135. Witherington Blair & Dawn, (2017). Florida's Seashells: A Beachcomber's Guide. Pineapple Press. 88 pp. ISBN 9781561649822
  136. Zahradník J., F. Severa & W.J. Kabos, (1977). Thiemeʹs insektengids: voor West- en Midden-Europa. Thieme. 319 pp. ISBN 9789003951007
  137. Ærenlund Pedersen, H. &​ N. Faurholdt. (2007). Ophrys : the bee orchids of Europe. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. 297 pp. ISBN 9781842461525

online resources

Updated 18 November 2022 (UTC)